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Rodhouse, Joseph B, and Kathy Ott. 2022. “Respondent Perceptions of Previously Reported Data.” Survey Practice 15 (1). https:/​/​​10.29115/​SP-2022-0006.
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  • Figure 1. Example of PRD presented to respondents within the web survey.
  • Table 2. Agreement statements (AS) gauging respondent attitudes and perceptions of PRD.
  • Figure A1. Example mailing for Group A2B2 emphasizing PRD use in the web survey
  • Figure A2. Introductory screen for those with PRD in their web survey link (A2B1 and A2B2)
  • Figure A3. Example of what respondents in A1B1 saw (and those in A2B1 and A2B2 when they did not have PRD for these items)


Respondents’ answers on surveys they have previously completed are often referred to as previously reported data or PRD. This type of historical data is sometimes used when conducting a current survey, often in an effort to increase data quality and reduce respondent burden. Using PRD in surveys has been thoroughly researched and has been shown to have both positive and negative impacts to measures of data quality and burden. However, most often these studies focus on objective measures, and subjective measures of respondent perceptions of their experience are largely missing. To address this, we present data from an experiment using PRD in the Census of Agriculture’s Content Test, which utilized a set of attitudinal questions to gauge respondent’s views on the use of PRD in the survey, including measures capturing burden perceptions and overall reactions to PRD use. We find that the majority of respondents view PRD as aiding in faster and easier survey completion, as well as having an overall positive reaction to its use. We also find evidence that attitudes toward PRD are impacted by certain PRD metadata, such as the amount and recency of the data that are used in respondents’ surveys.

Accepted: May 31, 2022 EDT